Results for 'Marcia Smith Pasqualini'

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  1.  23
    Stronger autonomic response accompanies better learning: A test of Damasio's somatic marker hypothesis.Sid Carter & Marcia Smith Pasqualini - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (7):901-911.
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    Disturbance of spontaneous and posed facial expressions in Parkinson's disease.Gwenda Simons, Heiner Ellgring & Marcia Smith Pasqualini - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (5):759-778.
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    “Mindscoping” pain and suffering.Jaak Panksepp & Marcia Smith Pasqualini - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):468-469.
    No adequate evidence exists for the evolution of facial pain expression and detection mechanisms, as opposed to social-learning processes. Although brain affective/emotional processes, and resulting whole body action patterns, have surely evolved, we should also aspire to monitor human suffering by direct neural measures rather than by more indirect indices.
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    (1 other version)Mr. Head's Journey to the Cross. [REVIEW]Marcia Smith Marzec - 1997 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 1 (3):51-68.
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    Clinical Ethics Consultation and Ethics Integration in an Urban Public Hospital.Mark P. Aulisio, Jessica Moore, May Blanchard, Marcia Bailey & Dawn Smith - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4):371.
    Clinical ethics committees, with their typical threefold function of education, policy formation, and consultation, are present in nearly all U.S. hospitals today, and they are increasingly common in other healthcare settings such as long-term care and even home care. Ethics committees are at least as prevalent in Canadian hospitals as they are in U.S. hospitals, and their presence is growing in Europe, much of Asia, and Central and South America. Although ethics committees serve a variety of needs, their ultimate goal (...)
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    Morality as a Back-up System: Hume's View?Marcia Baron - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (1):25-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:25 MORALITY AS A BACK-UP SYSTEM: HUME'S VIEW? The sense of duty is a useful device for helping men to do what a really good man would do without a sense of duty..... Nowell-Smith A certain picture of morality — arguably a Humean one — has come to have a prominent place in contemporary philosophy. On this picture, morality, as Richard Brandt asserts, is "a back-up system, which (...)
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    Working to Make a Difference: The Personal and Pedagogical Stories of Holocaust Educators Across the Globe.Alicja Bialecka, Sidney Bolkosky, Stephen Feinberg, Daniel Gaede, Ephraim Kaye, Marcia Littell, Marlene Silbert, Stephen Smith & Margot Stern Strom (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    This work is comprised of personal essays by some of the most noted Holocaust educators working in or with Holocaust museums, resource centers, or educational organizations across the globe.
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]John Grimes, Robin Rinehart, Hillary Rodrigues, John M. Koller, Elaine Craddock, Ludo Rocher, Will Sweetman, Boyd H. Wilson, Edward C. Dimock, Thomas Forsthoefel, Hal W. French, Timothy C. Cahill, William J. Jackson, John Powers, Frederick M. Smith, Gavin Flood, Lelah Dushkin, Sheila McDonough, Frank J. Hoffman, Karni Pal Bhati, Anne E. Monius, Fred Dallmayr, Marcia Hermansen, Joseph A. Bracken, Carl Olson, William P. Harman, Donatella Rossi, Anna B. Bigelow & Jeffrey J. Kripal - 1998 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 2 (2):267-310.
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  9. Symposium: On Marcia Eaton's Philosophy of Art [Introduction].Ralph A. Smith - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetic Education.
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    The Geometry of Rene Descartes. Descartes Rene, David Eugene Smith, Marcia L. Latham.George Sarton - 1926 - Isis 8 (1):173-175.
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    Relational Event-Time in Quantum Mechanics.Matías Pasqualini, Olimpia Lombardi & Sebastian Fortin - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-25.
    Some authors, inspired by the theoretical requirements for the formulation of a quantum theory of gravity, proposed a relational reconstruction of the quantum parameter-time—the time of the unitary evolution, which would make quantum mechanics compatible with relativity. The aim of the present work is to follow the lead of those relational programs by proposing a relational reconstruction of the event-time—which orders the detection of the definite values of the system’s observables. Such a reconstruction will be based on the modal-Hamiltonian interpretation (...)
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    Trans-statistical Behavior of a Multiparticle System in an Ontology of Properties.Matías Pasqualini & Sebastian Fortin - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-19.
    In the last years, the surprising bosonic behavior that a many-fermion system may acquire has raised interest because of theoretical and practical reasons. This trans-statistical behavior is usually considered to be the result of approximation modeling methods generally employed by physicists when faced with complexity. In this paper, we take a tensor product structure and an ontology of properties approach and provide two versions of a toy model in order to argue that trans-statistical behavior allows for a realistic interpretation.
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    Quantum Ontology: A Modal Bundle-Theorist Relational Proposal.Matías Pasqualini - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-24.
    Quantum mechanics poses several challenges in ontological elucidation. Contextuality threatens determinism and favors realism about possibilia. Indistinguishability challenges traditional identity criteria associated with individual objects. Entanglement favors holistic and relational approaches. These issues, in close connection with different interpretations of quantum mechanics, have given rise to various proposals for the ontology of quantum mechanics. There is a proposal that is realistic about possibilia, where quantum systems are seen as bundles of possible intrinsic properties. This proposal is developed in close connection (...)
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    Una revisión de la noción de coherencia desde la perspectiva de la lógica definida como secuencia de nociones de consecuencia.Matías Daniel Pasqualini - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (1):105-116.
    En el contexto de ofrecer lógicas alternativas que lidien no trivialmente con paradojas semánticas y superen a la vez la objeción de incoherencia que se alza habitualmente contra ellas, el BA-Plan propone una definición de lógica en el sentido de secuencia infinita de nociones de consecuencia que especifica estándares de validez para el nivel inferencial y para los metainferenciales. El presente trabajo argumenta que si se admite la conveniencia de esta definición de lógica es posible desacoplar la noción de coherencia (...)
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    A Wittgensteinian approach to discerning the meaning of works of art in the practice of critical and contextual studies in secondary art education.Leslie Cunliffe - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):65-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Wittgensteinian Approach to Discerning the Meaning of Works of Art in the Practice of Critical and Contextual Studies in Secondary Art EducationLeslie Cunliffe (bio)In order to get clear about aesthetic words you have to describe ways of living.Wittgenstein, Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief1Language is a labyrinth of paths. You approach from one side and know your way about; you approach the same place from (...)
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    Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging.Leerom Medovoi & Elizabeth Bentley (eds.) - 2021 - Duke University Press.
    Working in four scholarly teams focused on different global regions—North America, the European Union, the Middle East, and China—the contributors to _Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging_ examine how new political worlds intersect with locally specific articulations of religion and secularism. The chapters address many topics, including the changing relationship between Islam and politics in Tunisia after the 2010 revolution, the influence of religion on the sharp turn to the political right in Western Europe, understandings of Confucianism as a form of (...)
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    Dialética Singular-Particular-Universal e Sua Expressão Na Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica: Primeiras Aproximações.Juliana Campregher Pasqualini - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (17):01-16.
    Preliminary approximations between the singular–particular–universal dialectics and the historical-critical pedagogical theory are elaborated in this paper, based on the exposition of the categories of singularity, universality and particularity articulated to the demands that the materialistic historical-dialectical method places as a condition for the production of knowledge capable of apprehending reality in its concreteness. It is argued that historical-critical pedagogy carries in its formulation the movement of these categories, formulating notes related to the concept of educational work, the problem of the (...)
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    Las cantidades físicas como relaciones en la Tercera Analogía de la Experiencia.Matías Daniel Pasqualini - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:253-272.
    Se propone una interpretación de la Tercera Analogía de la Experiencia (Kant, KrV A211/B256–A218/B265), a partir de la cual se discierne la cuestión metafísica referida al carácter relacional o intrínseco de las propiedades que representan cantidades físicas, en el contexto de lo que se da en llamar una ontología crítica. Se obtiene que, como resultado de las reglas a priori correspondientes a las Analogías de la Experiencia, las determinaciones de los objetos tienen carácter relacional. Este resultado es consistente con la (...)
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    La interpretación modal-hamiltoniana y la naturaleza relacional del tiempo.Matías Pasqualini & Sebastian Fortin - 2022 - Critica 54 (161):3-42.
    La interpretación modal-hamiltoniana fue introducida para resolver ciertos problemas de interpretación vinculados a su ontología y a la medición cuántica. Su regla de actualización establece que todo sistema cerrado tiene su energía bien definida, y debido a la indeterminación entre la energía y el tiempo esto plantea un interrogante respecto a la situación temporal de estos sistemas. En este trabajo se analiza el problema del tiempo en sistemas cerrados y se propone la reconstrucción de un tiempo relacional compatible con la (...)
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  20. Origin, rise, and destruction of a psychoanalytic culture in fascist Italy, 1922-1938.Mauro Pasqualini - 2012 - In Joy Damousi & Mariano Ben Plotkin, Psychoanalysis and politics: histories of psychoanalysis under conditions of restricted political freedom. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Situando el 68: circulación, temporalidad e intersecciones de un momento que es y no es el nuestro.Mauro Pasqualini - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 24:125-155.
    1968 fue un momento álgido de protestas, activismo y rebeliones fomentadas fundamentalmente por el malestar estudiantil y juvenil. El presente trabajo explora bibliografía clásica y más reciente (trabajos historiográficos, textos de coyuntura más antiguos, reflexiones polémicas sobre la memoria del 68) con el fin de identificar tres ejes temáticos: los intercambios globales, la temporalidad compleja y heterogénea del 68, y las intersecciones entre dinámicas culturales y política. Se plantea que es a partir de estos temas que se pueden abrir líneas (...)
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    The Architectonic Experience of Body and Space in Augmented Interiors.Isabella Pasqualini, Maria Laura Blefari, Tej Tadi, Andrea Serino & Olaf Blanke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Un experimento para Riemann.Matías Daniel Pasqualini - 2020 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 16.
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  24. Una ontología modal de relaciones para la mecánica cuántica.Matias Daniel Pasqualini - 2023 - Culturas Cientificas 4 (1):53-78.
    En correspondencia con las interpretaciones modales de la mecánica cuántica, Lombardi y Castagnino (2008) y da Costa, Lombardi y Lastiri (2013) han propuesto para dicha teoría una ontología de haces de propiedades posibles intrínsecas, centrada principalmente en las cuestiones de la contextualidad e indistinguibilidad cuánticas. En correspondencia con la interpretación conocida como “mecánica cuántica relacional” (Rovelli, 1996), se han propuesto dos ontologías basadas en relaciones. Laura Candiotto (2017) aboga por una metafísica de relaciones radical, considerada por la autora como una (...)
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  25.  29
    La controversia acerca de la identidad en su ingreso al ámbito de la mecánica cuántica.Olimpia Lombardi & Matías Daniel Pasqualini - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:138-164.
    Los criterios de identidad propuestos por la metafísica tradicional debieron ser sometidos a una profunda revisión cuando entró en escena la mecánica cuántica con sus característicos sistemas indistinguibles. En este trabajo aplicamos el modelo de espacios controversiales de Oscar Nudler para analizar la controversia sobre la identidad en el ámbito de la mecánica cuántica y proponer la introducción en el debate de una ontología cuántica de propiedades sin objetos.
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  26. II—Marcia Baron: Culpability, Excuse, and the ‘Ill Will’ Condition.Marcia Baron - 2014 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 88 (1):91-109.
    Gideon Rosen (2014) has drawn our attention to cases of duress of a particularly interesting sort: the person's ‘mind is not flooded with pain or fear’, she knows exactly what she is doing, and she makes a clear-headed choice to act in, as Rosen says, ‘awful ways’. The explanation of why we excuse such actions cannot be that the action was not voluntary. In addition, although some duress cases could also be viewed as necessity cases and thus as justified, Rosen (...)
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  27. Interview with Marcia Eaton.Marcia Muelder Eaton & Clarke A. Chambers - unknown
    Clarke A. Chambers interviews Marcia Eaton, professor in the Department of Philosophy.
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    Trans-estadística cuántica desde una ontología de propiedades.Sebastian Fortin & Matías Pasqualini - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (47):255-291.
    En los últimos años, el comportamiento bosónico que un sistema de fermiones puede exhibir ha despertado el interés de los físicos. En este trabajo, se adopta un enfoque basado en estructuras producto tensorial y se asume una ontología de propiedades para argumentar en favor de la relatividad de la noción de identidad estadística y en favor de una interpretación realista del comportamiento trans-estadístico.
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  29. Kantian ethics almost without apology.Marcia Baron - 1995 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    The emphasis on duly in Kant's ethics is widely held to constitute a defect. Marcia W. Baron develops and assesses the criticism, which she sees as comprising two objections: that duty plays too large a role, leaving no room for the supererogatory, and that Kant places too much value on acting from duty. Clearly written and cogently argued, Kantian Ethics Almost without Apology takes on the most philosophically intriguing objections to Kant's ethics and subjects them to a rigorous yet (...)
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  30. Parts and Moments. Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology.Barry Smith (ed.) - 1982 - Philosophia Verlag.
    A collection of material on Husserl's Logical Investigations, and specifically on Husserl's formal theory of parts, wholes and dependence and its influence in ontology, logic and psychology. Includes translations of classic works by Adolf Reinach and Eugenie Ginsberg, as well as original contributions by Wolfgang Künne, Kevin Mulligan, Gilbert Null, Barry Smith, Peter M. Simons, Roger A. Simons and Dallas Willard. Documents work on Husserl's ontology arising out of early meetings of the Seminar for Austro-German Philosophy.
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    Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference: Race in Early Modern Philosophy.Justin E. H. Smith - 2015 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    People have always been xenophobic, but an explicit philosophical and scientific view of human racial difference only began to emerge during the modern period. Why and how did this happen? Surveying a range of philosophical and natural-scientific texts, dating from the Spanish Renaissance to the German Enlightenment, Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference charts the evolution of the modern concept of race and shows that natural philosophy, particularly efforts to taxonomize and to order nature, played a crucial role. Smith (...)
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  32. Reality monitoring.Marcia K. Johnson & Carol L. Raye - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (1):67-85.
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    Making Morality Work.Holly Smith - 2018 - Oxford, Great Britain: Oxford University Press.
    What should we do if we cannot figure what morality requires of us? Holly M. Smith argues that the best moral codes solve this problem by offering two tiers, one of which tells us what makes acts right and wrong, and the other of which provides user-friendly decision guides. She opens a path towards resolving a deep problem of moral life.
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  34. Logic: The Laws of Truth.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2012 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Logic is essential to correct reasoning and also has important theoretical applications in philosophy, computer science, linguistics, and mathematics. This book provides an exceptionally clear introduction to classical logic, with a unique approach that emphasizes both the hows and whys of logic. Here Nicholas Smith thoroughly covers the formal tools and techniques of logic while also imparting a deeper understanding of their underlying rationales and broader philosophical significance. In addition, this is the only introduction to logic available today that (...)
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    Not in Their Name: Are Citizens Culpable for Their States' Actions?Holly Lawford-Smith - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    There are many actions that we attribute, at least colloquially, to states. Given their size and influence, states are able to inflict harm far beyond the reach of a single individual. But there is a great deal of unclarity about exactly who is implicated in that kind of harm, and how we should think about responsibility for it. It is a commonplace assumption that democratic publics both authorize and have control over what their states do; that their states act in (...)
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  36. Foundations of Gestalt Theory.Barry Smith (ed.) - 1988 - Philosophia.
    In 1890 Christian von Ehrenfels published his classic paper "Über 'Gestaltqualitäten'", the first systematic investigation of the philosophy and psychology of Gestalt. Ehrenfels thereby issued an important challenge to the psychological atomism that was still predominant in his day. His paper not only exerted a powerful influence on the philosophy of the Meinong school, it also marked the beginning of the Gestalt tradition in psychology, later associated with the work of Wertheimer, Köhler and Koffka in Berlin. Includes papers by C. (...)
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  37. Three Methods of Ethics: A Debate.Marcia W. Baron, Philip Pettit & Michael Slote - 1997 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Philip Pettit & Michael Slote.
    During the past decade ethical theory has been in a lively state of development, and three basic approaches to ethics - Kantian ethics, consequentialism, and virtue ethics - have assumed positions of particular prominence.
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    Time in exile: in conversation with Heidegger, Blanchot, and Lispector.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    This book is a philosophical reflection on the experience of time from within exile. Its focus on temporality is unique, as most literature on exile focuses on the experience of space, as exile involves dislocation, and moods of nostalgia and utopia. Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback proposes that in exile, time is experienced neither as longing back to the lost past nor as wanting a future to come but rather as a present without anchors or supports. She articulates this present (...)
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  39. Negative polarity and grammatical representation.Marcia C. Linebarger - 1987 - Linguistics and Philosophy 10 (3):325 - 387.
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    Moral, believing animals: human personhood and culture.Christian Smith - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What kind of animals are human beings? And how do our visions of the human shape our theories of social action and institutions? In Moral, Believing Animals>, Christian Smith advances a creative theory of human persons and culture that offers innovative, challenging answers to these and other fundamental questions in sociological, cultural, and religious theory. Smith suggests that human beings have a peculiar set of capacities and proclivities that distinguishes them significantly from other animals on this planet. Despite (...)
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  41. The alleged moral repugnance of acting from duty.Marcia Baron - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (4):197-220.
    Friends as well as foes of Kant have long been uneasy over his emphasis on duty, but lately the view that there is something morally repugnant about acting from duty seems to be gaining in popularity. More and more philosophers indicate their readiness to jettison duty and the moral 'ought' and to conceive of the perfectly moral person as someone who has all the right desires and acts accordingly without any notion that (s)he ought to act in this way. Elsewhere' (...)
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  42. Kantian Ethics and Supererogation.Marcia Baron - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (5):237.
    ...believe that his theory asks too much, demanding total devotion to morality and treating everything worth doing (and perhaps more) as a duty. But, despite their differences, the two sets of...
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  43. Impartiality and friendship.Marcia Baron - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):836-857.
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    Ethical Decision Making in Nurses.Marcia L. Raines - 2000 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 2 (1):29-41.
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  45. Do mountains exist? Towards an ontology of landforms.Barry Smith & David Mark - 2003 - Environment and Planning B (Planning and Design) 30 (3):411–427.
    Do mountains exist? The answer to this question is surely: yes. In fact, ‘mountain’ is the example of a kind of geographic feature or thing most commonly cited by English speakers (Mark, et al., 1999; Smith and Mark 2001), and this result may hold across many languages and cultures. But whether they are considered as individuals (tokens) or as kinds (types), mountains do not exist in quite the same unequivocal sense as do such prototypical everyday objects as chairs or (...)
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    Sensitivity to grammatical structure in so-called agrammatic aphasics.Marcia C. Linebarger, Myrna F. Schwartz & Eleanor M. Saffran - 1983 - Cognition 13 (3):361-392.
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  47. Merit, aesthetic and ethical.Marcia Muelder Eaton - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    To "look good" and to "be good" have traditionally been considered two very different notions. Indeed, philosophers have seen aesthetic and ethical values as fundamentally separate. Now, at the crossroads of a new wave of aesthetic theory, Marcia Muelder Eaton introduces this groundbreaking work, in which a bold new concept of merit where being good and looking good are integrated into one.
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    Laclau and Mouffe: The Radical Democratic Imaginary.Anna Marie Smith - 1998 - Routledge.
    Laclau and Mouffe: The Radical Democratic Imaginary is the first full-length overview of the important work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Anna Marie Smith clearly shows how Laclau and Mouffe's work has brought Gramscian, poststructuralist and psychoanalytic perspectives to revitalize traditional political theory. With clarity and insight, she shows how they have constructed a highly effective theory of identity formation and power relations that carefully draws from the criticism of political theory from postmodern anti-foundationalist political theory.
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  49. A Word to the Wise: How Managers and Policy-Makers can Encourage Employees to Report Wrongdoing.Marcia P. Miceli, Janet P. Near & Terry Morehead Dworkin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (3):379-396.
    When successful and ethical managers are alerted to possible organizational wrongdoing, they take corrective action before the problems become crises. However, recent research [e.g., Rynes et al. (2007, Academy of Management Journal50(5), 987–1008)] indicates that many organizations fail to implement evidence-based practices (i.e., practices that are consistent with research findings), in many aspects of human resource management. In this paper, we draw from years of research on whistle-blowing by social scientists and legal scholars and offer concrete suggestions to managers who (...)
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  50. Manipulativeness.Marcia Baron - 2003 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 77 (2):37 - 54.
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